EDRM provides a forum for leaders in the e-discovery space to propose and initiate projects. The following projects have Project Trustees (leaders) and are in various stages of completion.
Active participation by team participants contribute to the body of community created work product hosted on the EDRM.NET website. The work product is held as Creative Commons share and share alike (unless otherwise marked by a participant).
To contribute to or participate in a project, send an email with your contact information and the name of the project to Info@EDRM.NET.
Active Projects:
DATA SETS-This project, in its formative stage, seeks to update and increase the number of datasets available to the community.
DATA MAPPING-This project is in its formative stage, designed to document community standards around data mapping in response to the Senior Executive Accountability Regime (SEAR) in Ireland.
PROCESSING SPECIFICATIONS-This project was launched to update the processing stage of the EDRM. Organized in concert with the Merlin Foundation, this EDRM project will build processing specifications such as de-NISTing, de-duping and other functions.
PRO BONO– This brand new project was created to help improve and promote equal access to justice. EDRM’s new Pro Bono Project participants will build a platform for matching organizations and individuals in need of e-discovery capabilities for pro bono matters, with organizations and individuals wanting to make such capabilities available. The Project Trustees H. Bruce Gordon and George Socha and is actively seeking contributors.
FOMO PROJECT – TAR results typically target recall rates of 75%-80%. Although up to 20% of relevant documents may be omitted from the TAR results (null set) that does not mean that 20% of the relevant information has been omitted. The FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) project is a statistical explanation of the small likelihood that the TAR null set contains new, significant, relevant information not found in the TAR produced documents. The project team will refine the analysis, anticipate challenges, and defend the results at a January bench-bar conference in an effort to corroborate the anecdotal evidence and statistical analysis that demonstrate that an 80% TAR recall rate meets Rule 26 demands.
EDRM REVISION – Recognizing that the EDRM model has not had a refresh in some time, the project focuses on updating the underlying documentation of the EDRM model to reflect changes in technology, process, and the law.
GDPR PROJECT – The project team is working toward developing a code of conduct for cross-border discovery under the EU General Data Protection Regulation. EDRM formed the team in August 2017 to examine GDPR and develop guidance for becoming GDPR compliant, particularly with an eye toward the regulation’s impact on cross-border discovery. Initially focused on data transfers from Ireland to the U.S., the guidance is aimed at mitigating some of the risk that international litigation teams and e-discovery practitioners face when balancing U.S. discovery obligations against European data privacy laws.
IGRM – The Information Governance Reference Model was initially created to frame the discussion of information management, in the same way the Electronic Discovery Reference Model functions for e-discovery. The project focuses on updating the IGRM model as well as recognizing the interconnection between this project and the Maturity Assessment project. Maturity is measured in part by reviewing the level of collaboration among key stakeholders which is at the very core of excellent information management.
PROPORTIONALITY – The project’s goal is developing a template, which provides a common analytical framework for lawyers and the court to use when presenting and considering a proportionality assessment in litigation. This tool will focus on the six proportionality factors, especially factor six, which weighs burden and expense against benefits. The factors are laid out in Fed.R.Civ.P. 26.
COMP SCI/STOPWORDS – The project’s goal is developing glossaries and resources to explain basic computer science terms and principles and to compile a list of common “stop words” used in e-discovery and the complications that may arise from using them.
PRIVILEGE LOGS – A privilege log is a record of the responsive or relevant documents that are being withheld from production on a claim that they contain attorney-client communication, attorney work-product, or trade secrets. The purpose of the project is developing best practices that most efficiently accomplish the task, including consideration of possible rule amendments.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – Artificial Intelligence is a wide ranging and pervasive methodology reaching all areas of life. The project explores its use in litigation and how it will continue to develop. The project explores and develops opportunities to educate lawyers and judges on the role of AI in litigation.
MATURITY ASSESSMENT – The project’s goal is developing an interactive tool to measure a company’s e-discovery management based on the EDRM maturity model, which was developed several years ago. It fosters a simpler first analysis of an organization’s eDiscovery maturity and hopefully leads them into a deeper analysis, which is provided by the more detailed EDRM maturity model.