EDRM advancements reflect two years of collaboration, refinement and modeling amongst e-discovery service providers, law firms, corporate practitioners and individual contributors\r\n\r\nST. PAUL, Minn. – October 13, 2009 – The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) project today announced that it is now easier for users to find the valuable research and standards created by the leading e-discovery industry group via a completely re-designed website, www.edrm.net. In addition, the EDRM leaders, Tom Gelbmann and George Socha, have provided updates to all of the working projects in advance of the mid-year meeting, which is being held from Oct. 20-21, 2009, in St. Paul, Minn. \r\n\r\n“Great strides have been taken to flesh out and further define the EDRM model,” said George Socha, co-founder of the EDRM project and principal of Socha Consulting. “We’re extremely proud of the progress made by each of our project teams. Our updated website reflects two years worth of collaboration, refinement, modeling and features.”\r\n\r\nAdvancements made by the eight EDRM projects in 2009, to date, include the following:\r\n
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- Evergreen (launched 2007): The Evergreen working group has put together a Production Pack ‘n Go PowerPoint presentation, which steps through the stages of the production process. Posted in early 2009, that presentation and additional Evergreen materials are available at https://edrm.net/activities/projects/evergreen
- XML (2006): The XML group has developed an XML schema that can be used, and is being used, as a replacement for the multitude of proprietary load file formats out there today. With version 1.0 of the schema released in January 2008, EDRM is now working on refinements to version 1.1 and has begun the planning process for version 2.x. Twenty software and service providers have passed the compliance self-test to become EDRM XML certified. For XML materials, go to https://edrm.net/activities/projects/xml
- Metrics (2006): After three years of hard work, the Metrics group has developed an extensive set of codes designed to provide an effective means of measuring the time, money and volumes associated with e-discovery activities. Version 1.0 of the codes is scheduled to be released in Q4 2009. The draft set can be seen at https://edrm.net/resources/standards/edrm-metrics-code-set
- Model Code of Conduct (2007): A draft Model Code of Conduct, which provides recommended guidelines for software and services providers (akin to those under which attorneys, court personnel and others in the legal space must operate) is now available at: https://edrm.net/resources/guidelines/edrm-model-code-of-conduct
- Search (2008): The EDRM Search Project, aimed at providing a framework for defining and managing search specifications for culling and review, released version 1.14 of the draft EDRM Search Guide in February 2009. The group currently is working on version 1.17 of the Search Guide, available at https://edrm.net/resources/guidelines/edrm-search-guide, and has begun development of an accompanying XML schema.
- Data Set (2008): The EDRM Data Set Project has compiled more than 60 gigabytes of data that can be used to test various aspects of electronic discovery software and services. The data set foreign language data from 23 different countries, emails with attachments (including .pst files), file format data from 200 different file types, and a file list with over 13,000 extensions. The group is currently testing the compiled data as well as distribution processes. More information on these efforts can be found at: https://edrm.net/activities/projects/data-set
- Jobs (2009): An initial process flow diagram outlining a means to identify, assess, advocate for, recruit, on-board and retain the appropriate level of professional resources process has been drafted. The group is working on developing a second level flow and related content. More information can be found at: https://edrm.net/activities/projects/jobs
- Information Management Reference Model (IMRM) (2009): The Information Management Reference Model Project has organized into six working groups, each focused on gathering input from a wide variety of organizations and experts, including analyst firms, corporations, electronic content management (ECM) vendors, healthcare organizations, industry trade associations, and standards and certification groups. The project seeks to facilitate dialogue among legal, IT, records management, line-of-business and other stakeholders by providing a common language and reference for discussion and decision-making based on the needs of the organization. For more information, visit https://edrm.net/25
\r\nOpen invitation\r\n\r\nCorporations, law firms, e-discovery vendors and individual thought leaders are invited to participate in the EDRM project and any of the working teams. The cost to participate is based on the type and size of the organization, as well as the number of projects in which the organization chooses to participate. Individuals are also welcome to participate for a fee; however, the fee is currently being waived for those who have been laid off and are currently unemployed.\r\n\r\nAbout EDRM\r\n\r\nLaunched in May 2005, the EDRM project was created to address the lack of standards and guidelines in the electronic discovery market – a problem identified in the 2003 and 2004 Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery surveys as a major concern for vendors and consumers alike. The completed reference model provides a common, flexible and extensible framework for the development, selection, evaluation and use of electronic discovery products and services. Expanding on the base defined with the Reference Model, the EDRM projects were expanded in May 2006 to include the EDRM Metrics and the EDRM XML projects. Over the past four years, the EDRM project has comprised more than 170 organizations, including 115 service and software providers, 43 law firms, three industry groups and 12 corporations involved with e-discovery. Information about the EDRM project is available at https://edrm.net.\r\n\r\nPress contacts:\r\n\r\nGeorge Socha
\r\nSocha Consulting
\r\npr@edrm.net\r\n\r\nTom Gelbmann
\r\nGelbmann & Associates