EDRM Talent Task Matrix defines e-discovery roles

EDRM’s Talent Task Matrix identifies responsibility for tasks associated with common e-discovery roles in each phase of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model\r\n\r\nSaint Paul, Minnesota – July 17, 2013 – The EDRM Talent Task Matrix, collaboratively developed by EDRM’s Jobs Project Team, is a tool designed to help hiring managers better understand the responsibilities associated with common e-discovery roles. The Matrix maps responsibilities to the EDRM framework, so e-discovery duties associated can be assigned to the appropriate parties.EDRM Talent Task Matrix\r\n\r\nSince the release of the Matrix in January 2013, there have been more than 1,000 downloads of the Matrix.\r\n\r\nThe EDRM Jobs Team is interested in learning how the Matrix is used by people responsible for hiring and professional development in their organizations. Specifically, we want to know how the Matrix was used and the results achieved. Stories of successful use of the Matrix will be used to develop case studies to be posted on EDRM.net.\r\n\r\nIf you have downloaded the Matrix or know of someone who has downloaded the Matrix, please contact Tom Gelbmann or George Socha (drop a note to mail@edrm.net) to share your experiences and results. Note that all responses will be held in confidence.\r\n\r\nIf your organization has not yet used the Matrix, but intends to do so, please add a brief summary of plans to use the Matrix we would like your comments or recommendations? We would also like to know how we can improve on the matrix to meet your needs.\r\n\r\nAbout EDRM\r\nEDRM creates practical resources to improve eDiscovery and Information Governance. Launched in May 2005, EDRM was created to address the lack of standards and guidelines in the e-discovery market. EDRM published the Electronic Discovery Reference Model in January 2006, followed by additional resources such as IGRM, CARRM and the Talent Task Matrix. Since its launch, EDRM has comprised more than 260 organizations, including 170 service and software providers, 63 law firms, three industry groups and 23 corporations involved with e-discovery.


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