Our mission is to have EDRM XML be the primary format for e-discovery data exchange between parties and systems, reducing the time and risk involved with data exchange. We achieve this by providing a robust, flexible, transparent, and well documented schema supported by a robust tool set.

The ESI includes both underlying discovery materials (e.g., email messages and attachments, loose files, and databases) and information about those materials (e.g., the source of the underlying ESI, processing of that ESI, and production of that ESI).11

EDRM XML will help practitioners significantly streamline processes and enable the integration of multiple e-discovery technologies. In the 2010-2011 project year, this group will development version 1.2 of the EDRM XML schema, including the validation tools and related materials. Additionally, the EDRM XML group will define the requirements and framework for version 2 of the EDRM XML schema to be implemented in the 2011-2012 project year. The group will continue to promote the use of the EDRM XML schema.

Effective use of the EDRM XML schema should:

  • Provide relief from the existing quagmire of proprietary load file formats
  • Decrease the time and resources required to transfer ESI from one step of the EDRM process to another
  • Minimize errors and risk associated with such transfers
  • Provide a backward-compatible future expansion path