About this Project
The iconic EDRM Model will be looked at with fresh eyes in the emerging EDRM 2.0 project. Roles are available for leaders, drafters, editors and quality control. Contact info@edrm.net to volunteer.
The new EDRM 2.0 project team will build on the work of the EDRM Revision team led by project trustee, Tara Emory, Senior Vice President of Strategic Growth, Redgrave Data, the IGRM 2.0 team led by Eric Mandel of Innovative Driven and the Processing Specifications led by John Tredennick of EDRM Trusted Partner, Merlin Search Technologies and Craig D. Ball. The IGRM and Processing teams’ work product is available on the EDRM website. The marketing team led by Doug Kaminski of our EDRM Trusted Partner, Cobra Legal Solutions, generated the newest IGRM Model. The EDRM Revision team reviewed and updated the supporting material for each aspect of the EDRM model.
Special thanks to Rob Robinson of ComplexDiscovery for his keen eye and assistance on the fine details of the refreshed model and to Robert Keeling and Dave Cohen for their review of the diagram.
Download the Detailed 2023 EDRM Model [PDF]
Download the Simplified 2023 EDRM model [PDF]
Contact info@edrm.net for more information on how to get involved in our global project community.
EDRM 2.0 Project Feedback
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer to contribute or if you have suggestions by sending the form below:
Co-Project Trustees
- Charisma Starr, Vice President of Discovery Technology Strategy and Innovation at JP Morgan Chase (US)
- Brett Burney,e-Law Evangelist at Nextpoint (US)
- Shannon Bales, Legal Ops Manager, Munger Tolles & Olson (US)