About this Project
Similar to the ESI Protocol Team but this one would focus specifically on predictive coding and take a shot at developing a generally accepted protocol for the use of technology assisted review to reduce the burden and costs of more traditional linear document review, while still maintaining or improving accuracy. The above comments about representation from both sides, and the ability to include optional provisions, also apply to any model TAR protocol. This Team would build on the EDRM TAR Guidelines published in 2019 by an earlier EDRM Team. Ability to remove your advocacy/preferred platform hat is essential.
Contact info@edrm.net for more information on how to get involved in our global project community.
TAR Protocol Project Feedback
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer to contribute or if you have suggestions by sending the form below:
Co-Project Trustees
- Angela Emmerling Shapiro, shareholder, Butzel Long (US)
- John Pappas, EDRM Global Advisory Council (US)
- Michelle Six, of counsel, Gunster (US)