EDRM Stages Standards

EDRM Identification Standards

The purpose of this document is to outline standards for the identification of ESI in discovery. The intent is for these standards to provide counsel with a guide for identification. This guide is not all inclusive but is designed to provide a baseline for the investigation. Depending on the information discovered, some areas may require a more in depth investigation. There are 2 main components in the identification process, the first is Early Case Assessment and the second is Early Data Assessment (see details below). One important point, documenting the findings during the identification process is as important as discovering the information.

EDRM Collection Standards

In May of 2013 a small group of attendees at the EDRM meeting discussed the maturity of the e-discovery industry and how different phases of the EDRM model have developed as standards over time. Not official standards but rather; what processes are repeatable and have understandable risks and rewards that can be used to evaluate a strategy in various cases. The group decided that “Collection” of had evolved to the point that it made sense to document collection best practices and considerations for developing a collection strategy.

EDRM Processing Standards Guide, Version 1

This draft guide addresses considerations and concerns that arise when one processes data from an electronic storage device into an e-discovery database. This guide is a resource for anyone who would like to use the processing stage of e-discovery to streamline review and improve analysis of information in the database. From it you should learn more about the process of processing data for e-discovery and better be able to ask questions whose answers will help you improve your approach to this challenging aspect of e-discovery.

EDRM Production Standards, Version 2

The purpose of this document is to outline standards for production of electronically stored information in discovery. The intent is for these standards to be easily communicated by attorneys at a meet and confer by referring to the category of production.