About Us
Redgrave LLP is the leading law firm addressing legal discovery, information governance, data security, and other Information Law challenges. We advise clients on the most complex, cutting-edge legal issues at the intersection of law and technology. Our multidisciplinary team of attorneys and business and technical advisors represents clients in complex and high-stakes litigation matters and provides guidance and legal representation to meet the most challenging circumstances and compliance demands. We also guide clients in addressing and meeting information governance, privacy, regulatory, investigation, and litigation needs across the county and the world, along with exploring and validating new technologies and process solutions to meet clients’ needs and business objectives.

Ways We Bring Value
Our diverse team of highly experienced lawyers, business professionals, and technologists understand and address the issues and challenges involved in modern discovery and Information Law matters. We look beyond the horizon to anticipate emerging legal and technology challenges to help our clients prepare for and meet the needs of tomorrow.