XML Compliance

The EDRM XML compliance process is as follows:

  1. From the Downloads tab on this page, download the XSD file, the test data set, the validation tool and the documentation
  2. Prepare a load file and run it through the validation tool
  3. Demonstrate the ability to import EDML XML (validated with compliance data set):
    1. Send a screenshot of the EDRM XML import user interface for your product, basically showing how the user selects an EDRM XML file for import/processing
    2. Send a screenshot that shows that the EDRM XML import successfully completed with no errors
  4. Demonstrate the ability to export EDRM XML (validated with EDRM validation tool): Submit a copy of an EDRM-compliant XML export file generated from your system, along with a screenshot showing that it has successfully been parsed by the validation tool (i.e. shows a green check mark)
  5. Please send the results of 1 (import) and/or 2 (export) as is appropriate to George Socha and Tom Gelbmann at mail@edrm.net for approval of the compliance and posting to the EDRM site.
Import Compliant? Organization Service/Software Export Compliant?
Attenex Corporation Yes
Yes Autonomy ZANTAZ Yes
Yes CaseCentral, Inc.
Yes Clearwell Systems Yes
Yes Compiled Services ReadySuite Yes
CT Summation CT Summation Discovery Cracker
Yes CT Summation CT Summation Enterprise
Yes CT Summation
Yes Daegis DocHunter Yes
Daticon LLC Dativision Yes
Daticon LLC Invenio Yes
Daticon LLC Virtual Partner Yes
Dell Yes
eMag Solutions, LLC Yes
EMC Corporation EMC SourceOne Discovery Manager Yes
Fios, Inc. Yes
Focus Solutions Yes
Guidance Software, Inc. EnCase eDiscovery Yes
Yes i365, A Seagate Company Yes
IBM eDiscovery IBM eDiscovery Manager Yes
IBM eDiscovery InfoSphere eDiscovery Yes
Yes iCONECT Development, LLC Yes
Yes Meridian Discovery, LLC Meridian Discovery Yes
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft SharePoint, Exchange and Lync 2013 Yes
Mobile Mandate MessageExport Yes
Nuix Nuix Yes
Yes Recommind Axcelerate Yes
Yes Recommind Insite Legal Hold Yes
Yes Recommind Mindserver Legal Yes
Reed Technology and Information Services Inc. Reed Technology Web Archiving Yes
StoredIQ StoredIQ Intelligent Information Management Platform Yes
Yes Stratify, Inc. Yes
ZL Technologies, Inc. Unified Archive Yes
ZyLAB Distribution BV ZyLAB Yes