IGRM Goals


  • IGRM Project established at EDRM kickoff meeting in May 2009
  • Agreed-upon objective, scope of project (broad; not limited to e-discovery)
  • Organization into 6 sub-groups to research and gather input from a wide variety of resources (organizations, experts, and industry professionals):
    • SG1 = Technology industry analysts
    • SG2 = Industry trade associations: ARMA, AIIM, ISACA
    • SG3 = ECM vendors and other IM vendors
    • SG4 = Standards and certification organizations: ISO, ITIL, DoD, etc.
    • SG5 = Healthcare (AHIMA, HIMSS)
    • SG6 = Corporations
  • Varying levels of progress have been made with each of the sub-groups; but for the most part, each sub-group gathered resource material, conducted preliminary research, and engaged in dialogue with target sub-group audiences
  • Developed multiple preliminary IMRM framework(s) for internal review, comment, refinement, further development
  • Developed and decided on primary IMRM framework (Level 1) diagram (currently in development but available to make public as an initial draft)
  • Released version 1 of draft IMRM framework for public comment


  • February-May 2010: Public comment period:
    • Obtain comments via multiple sources; in addition to general public comment, we will seek feedback via: (a) outreach activities of each of the 6 sub-groups, and (b) additional proactive outreach methods, which may include a structured, formal feedback mechanism
    • Develop and produce draft working definitions document based on research and activity across all 6 sub-groups to accompany framework and describe components
    • Intake comments; develop and refine framework and supporting materials; repeat as necessary (within reason)
  • May 2010 (EDRM annual meeting): Official launch of IMRM framework