Join us on September 10, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm Central when we present the free EDRM webinar, “Dropping the ‘Hammer’ on Security Threats with Rapid Detection and Resolution” – sponsored by AccessData.\r\n\r\nJoin AccessData for an in-depth discussion on how today’s information security requirements are being redefined. As cyber threats and breaches become more sophisticated organizations are struggling to just stay in-the-fight. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated, stealthy and focused in their pursuit of financial gain. With this new modus operandi many modern threats and breaches go undetected until it’s too late to do much more than conduct triage, assess the damage and perform damage control through PR campaigns.\r\n\r\nThis situation puts board members, C-suite executives and security experts in the hot seat and has accelerated the push to move away from manual, piecemeal practices and progress towards a level of automation that achieves rapid detection and resolution.\r\n\r\nJoin this panel to discuss how implementing rapid detection and resolution through a blend of skilled human resources, sound processes and leveraging new advance technology is possible.\r\n\r\nSpeakers:\r\n
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- Lucas Zaichkowsky, Enterprise Defense Architect, AccessData
- Kristen Cooper, Director, Product Marketing & Strategy, AccessData
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- George Socha, EDRM
- Tom Gelbmann, EDRM
\r\nRegister now!