Fifteen Gifts from eDiscovery Today

Top 15 (posts) eDiscovery Today

Doug Austin, founder and editor of EDRM Trusted Partner, eDiscovery Today, gifted us with the top fifteen posts of 2021. Between caselaw and foundational educational material, last year’s Trends post made it into the top three. We look forward to the next Trends!

With characteristic understatement, Doug reports 482 posts in 2021 and an increase in views of 285% over the previous year. Congratulations and thank you, Doug!

Read the 2021 Top Fifteen List for eDiscovery Today: eDiscovery Holiday Greetings here.


  • Mary Mack

    Mary Mack is the CEO and Chief Legal Technologist for EDRM. Mary was the co-editor of the Thomson Reuters West Treatise, eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel for 10 years and the co-author of A Process of Illumination: the Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery. She holds the CISSP among her certifications.