eDiscovery Project Management for IT Professionals: An Overview

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eDiscovery is a fast-moving process with many moving parts. It’s common for legal teams to miss small details when managing electronically stored information (ESI), especially when they’re dealing with multiple cases. 

Unfortunately, when legal teams miss important details during eDiscovery, the results can be catastrophic. Small mistakes can lead to hefty fines, penalties, and court losses. As such, legal teams need to be very careful when managing eDiscovery and handling ESI.

Given that eDiscovery is so complex, managers need to consider strategies that simplify operations and enhance communication. And one of the best ways to accomplish this is with project management. Approaching eDiscovery from a project management perspective is a guaranteed way to reduce risks and achieve stronger results. Keep reading to learn how project management applies to eDiscovery.   

What Is eDiscovery Project Management?

One of the top reasons eDiscovery teams fail to meet their objectives is because they lack a formal process for tracking and managing ESI. But with a robust eDiscovery project management strategy in place, this task becomes much easier.  

In this case, a project refers to a temporary mission or goal that results in a specific outcome. Projects have a beginning and end, although the duration can vary, depending on the scope and goal. 

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