[Editor’s Note: EDRM is proud to support the research of our Trusted Partners.]
FTI Consulting, Inc., and EDRM Trusted Partner, Relativity, today announced findings from Part 2 of The General Counsel Report 2023. Of the surveyed companies that said they are experiencing increased strains on capacity within their legal departments, 100% said that environmental, social and governance issues (ESG) is the key area in driving rising demand. Legal departments at major companies say almost universally that they have become the in-house hub for ESG.
Of the surveyed companies that said they are experiencing increased strains on capacity within their legal departments, 100% said that environmental, social and governance issues (ESG) is the key area in driving rising demand.
Part 2 of The General Counsel Report 2023.
Most General Counsels surveyed said their organizations are heading in the right direction on ESG, though the degree to which it is happening varies. Just under half of the respondents said diversity-related efforts are either very strong or are on a positive trajectory. While 27% said their efforts are at a moderate pace and 27% said their efforts are proceeding more slowly than desired.
In-house legal departments today are more strained than ever, with a heightened demand on General Counsel. At the top of the list? ESG and diversity.
Part two of The General Counsel Report 2023 offers insight into the role that ESG and DIB (diversity, inclusion, and belonging) play in the increasing demands put on GC – and how these initiatives present both risk and opportunity.
Read part two to learn:
- How ESG and DIB have driven demand for GC and legal departments at large
- The top initiatives for recruiting, retaining, and promoting a diverse workforce
- How ESG and DIB efforts are increasingly linked to business success