Weekly Letter to Our Global Community – 28 Feb 2023

Weekly Letter to the EDRM Global Community 28 Feb 2023
Image: Kaylee Walstad, EDRM

Dear EDRM Community,

The word of the week is unsettling.

Dilbert is out after its creator went on a separation of the races rant.  Ukraine supplied enough electricity three days in a row as the war enters the next year and ComplexDiscovery looks at Open Source Intelligence to provide context for war crime investigations.

Google is testing the “autodelete ate my homework” defense with adverse inferences at stake in commercial litigation and with the DOJ.  Legislative privilege is being tested regarding Senator Scott Perry’s emails.  Johannes (Jan) Scholtes of our Trusted Partner, IPRO, talked in depth on The Geek in Review podcast.  EDRM welcomes CodexTen as its newest Trusted Partner. Trusted Partner, Lockhaven Solutions, reminds us to reduce our attack surface using Information Governance.

Snapchat adds ChatGPT with some governors.  Public prompt engineering to hack Sydney, the AI behind ChatGPT in Bing, is a cautionary tale for the user interface.  Ralph Losey recasts the Sedona Principles in a beautiful homage to Richard Braman using ChatGPT. John Tredennick and William Webber of our Trusted Partner, Merlin, explore whether contract reviewers should be worried by testing the technology underlying ChatGPT compared to TREC answers.

The Privilege Log project released its Privilege Log 2.0 protocol, also for public comment.  Comments will be considered for this version if received by March 1, 2023. 

Recent EDRM Project Activity

EDRM Announces Cross Platform Duplicate Identification Specification, EDRM Message ID Hash (MIH).  The DupeID project team is seeking public comment on its Toolkit, which includes the specification, guidelines for use, a one page infographic and a white paper authored by Craig Ball.  Comments will be considered for the final version if received by March 15, 2023.

The Privilege Log project released its Privilege Log 2.0 protocol, also for public comment.  Comments will be considered for this version if received by March 1, 2023. 

The State Rules Project is looking for some contributors to fill out the rest of the US map.  See if your state is covered here

EDRM’s project listings are here.  


March 2, 1 Eastern:  Optimizing Document Review for Today’s Expanding Discovery Use Cases with Mary Mack, Moderator; Tom Gricks and Tracy Drynan, Opentext

March 7, 1 Eastern: NIST CSF 2.0: Back to the Future with James Dever, M.A., J.D., Dr. Jack Dever, J.D., LL.M- Principals, Lockhaven Solutions

March 8, 1 Eastern: Work smarter, not harder: Optimize your system for faster forensic processing with Dan Sumpter, Senior Instructor, Exterro

March 9, 1 Eastern: Cloud Utility Pricing: Reduce Hosting Costs and Go Green in the Bargain with Dara Tarkowski, John Tredennick, David Greetham and Kathy Hogy

And, we’d love to hear from you:  info@edrm.net will get to both Kaylee and Mary.

Our Syndicated EDRM Global Podcast Network is available via iTunes, Spotify, Google Play and your favorite podcast app, so you can listen at your leisure.   Our latest guests include Rakesh MadhavaMichael SarloKen Withers, and Ethan Treese.

Every Tuesday at 6PM Eastern, community members gather via Zoom to offer or request support as we navigate our work and personal challenges.  Email us at info@edrm.net to be included on the group invitation for the 154th support call. Remember, you are not alone, and you are welcome at our events, or to reach out for help.  If you are having a mental health emergency, please consider these resources for professional help.  Tall Poppy has some resources specifically for those experiencing online harassment.

We welcome your participation in our projects, webinars, support gatherings, and our EDRM Hub, our job board/event/directory website.  There is no charge for these EDRM offerings, thanks to our very generous partners. 

To breakthroughs,

Mary & Kaylee

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  • Mary Mack

    Mary Mack is the CEO and Chief Legal Technologist for EDRM. Mary was the co-editor of the Thomson Reuters West Treatise, eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel for 10 years and the co-author of A Process of Illumination: the Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery. She holds the CISSP among her certifications.

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