Dearest EDRM Community,
The word of the week is Detroit!
We are still vibrating from the highest octave of relationship, education and collaboration we co-created together last week.
Just as there are inflection points for individuals, say, ahem, when mobility reach eclipses mobility grasp, EDRM, as a community stewarding frameworks, electronic evidence faces the existential threat of jurors, judges and advocates not being able to believe their eyes and ears when approaching ESI.
For those who were able to make it: we thank you from the bottom of our and our community’s hearts for your willingness to travel, to take off your employer hat and to meet at this moment. You hold the spark of multidisciplinary, cross functional, non-hierarchical collaboration embodied in the EDRM community ethic, and we thank you and call you forth.

We are now turning to the virtual encore of the 2023 Detroit eDiscovery Symposium event we will host on our EDRM Global Webinar Channel. All of our program leaders will be there for an encore version of what they presented live at the symposium for those of you who could not join us.
Thank you to our EDRM General Counsel, and very own Very Special Master Craig Ball, for his evocative call to action with competence as an existential threat to our entire legal system. He has graciously agreed to go on again during our virtual event.
Jerry Bui, Managing Director at FTI, like Craig, will honor us by providing his tour of the eDiscovery Singularity posed by the integration of GPT technologies into the Microsoft stack.
As Dave Cohen nicknamed this panel “Judges Unleashed” the stories from the Judges were incredible and they really did an amazing job of storytelling moderated by the great Hon. James Francis (ret.) and joined by Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Stafford (ED MI), District Court Judge Iain Johnston (ND IL), Magistrate Judge Kristen Mix (CO) and Michigan Appellate Judge Christopher Yates.
Sponsored by EDRM’s Trusted Partner Reed Smith and moderated by Dave Cohen, Partner, Reed Smith we all enjoyed an interactive session on ” You Be the Judge: Revisiting Significant New E-Discovery Decisions” with David Cohen,; Lea Malani Bays, Partner, Robbins Geller, Doug Austin, Editor, eDiscovery Today and Cristin Traylor, Relativity.
As promised, the virtual encore will include our project team sessions. Moderated by Chair, Dave Cohen, we’ve asked our Trustees Amanda Cook, Susanne Clark, Cristin Traylor, Khrys McKinney, Monica Harris, Jay Yelton and Beth Patterson, to present not only what they showed us, but also their direction and new needs after Detroit. If you volunteered at the Symposium, we’ll want to see you as part of the respective team, and we’ll be introducing you to the team members who couldn’t travel, availability permitting for simultaneous attendance.
We’ll organize into the virtual teams green carded at the Symposium:
- EDRM 2.0 (already launched, Subteams to form)
- ESI Protocol (TAR, Privilege Log)
- Generative AI
- Review Workflow
More will be communicated about logistics over the next week. We envision short bursts of live encore and additional sessions over June and July.
Please invite friends and other representatives of interest groups who have the collaboration gene.

Heartfelt thanks to our planning committee, Jay Yelton, Robert Keeling, Dave Cohen, Scott Petz and Lea Bays. Special thank you to Scott Petz, Detroit’s Finest and Symposium Trustee, Jay Yelton for trusting EDRM to carry on the fine tradition of the Detroit eDiscovery Symposium. The entire planning committee created an effervescent, fun, educational, networking and work Symposium.
Nothing is possible without the support of our wonderful sponsors of the live and in person 2023 EDRM Detroit eDiscovery Symposium: Relativity, Alvarez and Marsal, Reed Smith, Sidley Austin, Warner Norcross + Judd, Dickenson Wright and Robbins Geller. We are accepting virtual session sponsors at info@edrm.net.
We’d love for you to help us plan and or to improve by giving your feedback in our short upcoming survey, or reach out to info@edrm.net.
As we gain our footing in this inflection point, there is no one we’d rather have in our party.
So grateful for you,
Mary & Kaylee