A (Brand) New Approach? Considering the Framework and Structure of eDiscovery Offerings

Author’s Note: This fictionalized branding approach was developed from the intellectual exercise of trying to figure out a reasonable and memorable way to descriptively highlight the promise and capabilities of offerings typically delivered by full-service eDiscovery providers. It may not be completely comprehensive or fully normalized. However, the hope of sharing this branding example is that it might help those involved in the branding and communication of eDiscovery provider services and solutions. 

A Data and Legal Discovery System for eDiscovery Providers

From time to time, ComplexDiscovery shares conceptual considerations designed to help data and legal professionals better understand and communicate the components and continuum that comprise eDiscovery-related offerings in the information and litigation lifecycles. This sharing is often as simple as highlighting processes or frameworks that may be useful in understanding eDiscovery. However, today’s post is unique because it presents, using a conceptual brand, how software and service providers might organize and present their offerings as part of a unified and branded system for discovery. 

As we are beginning to see more attempts by providers to present their offerings as platforms, we are witnessing representations of these platforms in ways that range from the pragmatic listing and grouping of technologies as a single suite to freshly packaged and named holistic solutions as part of a single platform. However, as compelling as these offerings are and as attractive as their branding may be, there remains an implied need to describe how platform components are related and applied together to solve data and legal discovery challenges. While there may be many right ways to address this implied need, one approach, shared through the lens of a conceptual brand, might be useful for executives, educators, and practitioners as they consider branding and communicating their eDiscovery offerings. This example approach is shared below as part of a fictional concept brand named Conquest for Discovery.

Read the entire brand concept for Conquest for Discovery on the Complex Discovery website.


  • Rob Robinson

    Rob Robinson is a technology marketer who has held senior leadership positions with multiple top-tier data and legal technology providers. He writes frequently on technology and marketing topics and publish regularly on ComplexDiscovery.com of which he is the Managing Director.

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