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EDRM Announces Pandemic Job Search Workshop
MINNEAPOLIS, August 5, 2020 – Setting the global standards for e-discovery, the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) is pleased to announce its new EDRM Job Search Workshop with legal tech expert recruiter, Laureen Kautt. For the...
Shifting Gears: eDiscovery Business Confidence during COVID-19
While the respondents to this quarter’s eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey increased their optimism for the upcoming six months, they also recognized that budget constraints will have an outsized impact on activity. According to the editor...
Resist Change and You’ll Invite Your Own Suffering
By Darius E. Bennett, Esq. While reading this passage –part of his final letter to his daughter– one senses Ashe’s patience and worry, as well as a sense of urgency and fatherly insistence. He references,...
COVID-19 Summer 2020 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey Open
ComplexDiscovery has opened their flagship survey, the quarterly eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey, to responses. The nineteenth quarterly survey is the second such survey in the current pandemic. Rob Robinson, principal analyst at ComplexDiscovery, said: The...
Navigating Through Uncertain Times in e-Discovery – Challenges and Opportunities
By Marcin Wojtczak, Chief Strategy Officer at Relativity At the first-ever virtual Relativity Fest London, I had the chance to hear the diverse perspectives of four e-discovery experts who discussed challenges and opportunities facing the...
Know What Ya Got: 5 Forensic Challenges as the Pandemic Continues
Marc Zamsky, COO, and Rick Garcia, Director of Forensics for EDRM Guardian Partner, Compliance, somehow managed to link 80’s glam rock with BYOD and the co-mingling of personal and corporate data. Zamsky and Garcia leave the...
Benchmark Survey on Remote Work Practices from ComplianceDS
EDRM Guardian Partner, ComplianceDS, is collating a survey on remote work practices (WFH). Compliance does not require you to identify yourself to take the survey unless you would like a copy of the results. Many...
Preparing Legal Teams for the Tidal Wave of Covid Litigation
By: Leah Langston, Product Marketing Manager, Zapproved It’s hard to believe that we are on the other side of Memorial Day Weekend! Many of us felt spring disappear as we tried to quickly react to...
How to Release the Binds Fettering Us to the Past
By Darius E. Bennett, Esq. Before becoming editor-in-chief of Self Magazine, Lucy Danziger was a college athlete, competing in rowing and ski-racing. Between the two, Danziger preferred rowing because she feared it less, and was...
What If Your Boss Did You a Favor?
By Darius E. Bennett, Esq. At age 15, Billie Jean King lost a match 6-0, 6-0. For those readers uninitiated in how wins and losses are measured in tennis, that score evinces that Billie Jean...
From Animal Crossing to ‘Spirit Week,’ Legal Tech Makes the Best of Quarantine
Rhys Dipshan, reporter for Legaltech News interviewed Mary Mack, CEO and Chief Legal Technologist for EDRM and Kaylee Walstad, EDRM’s Chief Strategy Officer for an article on how the legal tech community is dealing with...
Jackson Lewis, P.C. Releases COVID-19 Technology Tracker
With privacy regulations and laws individualized for each jurisdiction, organizations who are employing technology to screen, contract trace and social distance have a new resource. Jackson Lewis, home of EDRM Global Advisory Council leader, Ralph...