eDiscovery Today’s Survey, sponsored by EDRM, covers predictive coding, mobile, remote and more.
eDiscovery Today, EDRM’s Trusted Media Partner, released a survey sponsored by EDRM that covers the landscape of our community, marketplace and multidisciplinary ecosystem.
The complimentary report can be downloaded from the award winning eDiscovery Today blog.
Doug Austin, founder and editor of eDiscovery Today and an EDRM Global Advisory Council leader, developed the survey last year and EDRM sponsored and promoted it. This year, the collaboration between EDRM and eDiscovery Today increased 2022 responses compared to 2021 by over 50%, with almost 300 full responses to this detailed inquiry. In a parallel effort, Doug also asked experienced practitioners their opinions on the trends emerging from the survey data adding qualitative color to the quantitative yearly comparisons.
According to Doug, our community is approaching return to office, in person conferences, predictive coding, mobile and collaboration differently:
- Over three of five respondents (62.3%) expect to continue to work remotely indefinitely, with another 20.6% expecting a return to a hybrid of WFH and in-office. But as you’ll see in the report, the pandemic may not have caused as much remote work as we think!
- Only 23.8% of respondents said they attended at least one in-person conference in 2021, but a whopping 70.4%(!) expect to attend one in 2022, with another 17.1% still undecided.
- Use predictive coding in litigation? 25.9% of respondents use it in all or most of their cases, but 36.3% of respondents use it in very few or none of their cases. How does that compare to last year’s survey? Check out the report!
- Discovery of data from mobile devices or collaboration apps? 27.1% of respondents discover mobile devices in all/most of their cases, while 23.4% of respondents do in very few/none of their cases. For collaboration apps, it’s 24.7%and 37.3% respectively.
Regular subscribers to eDiscovery Today and those of you who completed the survey (thank you) will have received their link to the report already. To get your own copy go to eDiscovery Today:
If you’re not currently an email follower of the blog, you can get a FREE copy of the report (and any report eDiscovery Today publishes) simply by following the blog via email. To follow eDiscovery Today, enter your email address at the top of the right sidebar where it says “Follow Blog via Email” to receive the report as well as emails with links to new posts. It’s that easy!
Doug Austin, founder and editor, eDiscovery Today