Stellar Resolutions for Shiny New 2022

Stellar Women, with a goblet emblazened with 2022.

Mary Rechtoris, co-host of our Trusted Partner, Relativity’s Stellar Women community and our EDRM/Relativity Stellar Women crossover series, shared a list of twenty resolutions for the new year contributed by the group.

From cleaning out closets to forgoing automatic responses, Stellar Women are on the move to change behavior and outcomes for themselves, their organizations and their communities.

This year, I want to continue to acknowledge what’s new and different about working as part of a hybrid team, and continue to foster empathy and inclusion as well as cultivating the mindset of learning and resilience.

Gráinne Bryan, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting:

Here is a sampling and a link to the original post.

Mary Rechtoris, Senior Producer, Brand Programs, Relativity (Partner)

Heading into 2022, I want to take it that much further. I want to be more present and slow down. (I realized the need to do this when I not only lost my keys, but also my fiancé’s keys, in a 30-minute span.) I’m striving to take time to breathe, focus on the task at hand, and, really, get out of my own way.

Gráinne Bryan, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting:

Over the course of the last 18 months, we have continued to evolve as a hybrid team—many of whom went straight from interviewing to joining the team and diving into work. As someone who spent five days a week in the office previously, this style of working required significant adaptability to change and an openness to experimentation as to what worked and what doesn’t. And I’m still learning. This year, I want to continue to acknowledge what’s new and different about working as part of a hybrid team, and continue to foster empathy and inclusion as well as cultivating the mindset of learning and resilience. I want to focus more on boundary spanning as well as adapting and embracing the future with an agile and collaborative mindset, while acknowledging along the way it is not easy for me but that I’m making a conscious effort.

Emma Clark, Partner, Keystone Law:

My 2022 goal is to become physically stronger through daily exercise in the hope this impacts positively on my personal and professional life.

Stephanie Clerkin, Director, Litigation Support, Korein Tillery:

In 2022, I am striving to do more ‘uni-tasking’ or ‘single-tasking’ versus being in a constant state of multitasking. Also, I know it’s cliché, but I am hoping to start working out again at least two days a week.

Blair Cohen, Senior Copywriter, Relativity (Partner)

Knowing and articulating my worth! Also—I aim to find balance between work and life while not automatically mentally going to the worst-case scenario when things go wrong.

Helen Geib, Of Counsel, Hoover Hull Turner:

My resolution for 2022 is to level up as a mentor. I can hardly wait to dust off old plans to take people to lunch and facilitate event networking. At the same time, I plan to be more purposeful in virtual outreach. If your goals include writing about e-discovery and you’re seeking an editor, sounding board, or cheerleader, I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Tiffany Graves, Pro Bono Counsel, Bradley:

I have two goals for the year. Personally, I want to listen more and talk less. Professionally, I hope to find new ways to collaborate with people and organizations outside of the legal profession in order to increase access to justice. I know I can learn a lot from others who are similarly interested in achieving equitable and just outcomes for all.

Lauren Janosko, Chief of Staff, Relativity (Partner)

My New Year’s resolution is to ‘give more generously’ with my time, charitable donations, through supporting friends, and more.

Patricia Rodriguez, eDiscovery Consultant, Senior Director, Ankura (Partner, EDRM Global Advisory Council Leader)

Learn to sit back and observe; not everything needs a reaction. Never seek revenge … rotten fruit will fall by itself!

Cristin Traylor, Senior Product Manager, Relativity (Partner, EDRM Global Advisory Council Leader)

I am really focused on reducing clutter, keeping only what I need, and giving away things to people who can really use them. We started with a major attic cleanup, and I plan to continue to reduce the amount of ‘unneeded stuff’ in my life.

Read all of the Stellar Women resolutions here.

Find the Stellar Women community on LinkedIn here.


  • Mary Mack

    Mary Mack is the CEO and Chief Legal Technologist for EDRM. Mary was the co-editor of the Thomson Reuters West Treatise, eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel for 10 years and the co-author of A Process of Illumination: the Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery. She holds the CISSP among her certifications.

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