Weekly Letter to our EDRM Global Community – 19 Sep 2023

Weekly letter to our EDRM Global Community 19 Sep 2023
Image: Kaylee Walstad, EDRM

Dearest EDRM community,

The word of the week is negotiate.

More than 11,000 souls perished in Libya when a dam collapsed. First Ukrainian cargo ships arrive in port after Russia’s exit from the grain deal. Live updates on the United Auto Workers strike. The Dominican Republic closed its borders to Haiti in their dispute over construction of a canal targeting a river that runs through both countries.  All 50 US state Attorneys General urge Congress to protect children from AI.  Law firms, never a fan of #eDiscovery’s “exploding megabytes” have invented an “exploding offer” for associates.  A data commons initiative is normalizing world data, HT beSpacific.

EDRM Project Leaders will jumpstart Relativity Fest on September 27th at 8am by updating those present on projects and inviting them to participate:
Khrys McKinney (AI Ethics/Bias), 
—Cristin Traylor (Priv Logs), 
—Jay Yelton (Special Master and Discovery Neutral), 
—Monica Harris and Matt Rasmussen (Short Message Metadata Primer 1.0), 
—Craig Ball and Matthew Golab (EDRM Duplicate Identification project EDRM MIH) ,
—Dave Cohen and Briordy Meyers (GDPR)
Dave Cohen on five new projects (EDRM 2,0, GenAI, ESI Protocol, TAR Protocol & Discovery Workflows)

Register for Relativity Fest here.

Kiwi Camara, DISCO’s former CEO may be planning his next venture. United Lex has a new CEO. Doug Austin covered Special Master Maura Grossman’s new protocol. Dennis Kennedy generated four scenarios for legal education in the future. Rob Robinson of ComplexDiscovery has his 31st Quarterly eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey- Fall Edition out. With 15 short questions including three new multiple-choice questions focused on understanding the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in the eDiscovery ecosystem. We highly encourage you to share your knowledge on the survey, it takes 3-5 minutes.  

Recent Posts on the EDRM Blog 

DefCon Chronicles: The Hacker Olympics – ‘Capture The Flag’ Games with 1,828 Competing Teams

Maryland’s “Sunshine Law”:  Cooperation, Searches, Metadata, and Costs (Part I)

Smartphones Contain a Treasure Trove of Data for Litigation, Compliance, and Investigation Purposes

Exterro and Partners Announce 9th Annual E-Discovery Day 

Trump Indictments: 3 Data Types Most Likely to Challenge E-Discovery Experts

HaystackID® Achieves SOC 2 Type 2 Certification Across All Trust Services Criteria for Third Consecutive Year

Are LLMs Like GPT Secure? Or Do I Risk Waiving Attorney-Client or Work-Product Privileges?

Upcoming Webinars on the EDRM Global Webinar Channel

Recent Podcasts

Our Syndicated EDRM Global Podcast Network is available via iTunes, Spotify, Google Play and your favorite podcast app, so you can listen at your leisure.  Recent podcasts guests include John Brewer, the Hon. Judge Ralph Artigliere (ret.)Sharon Nelson with John SimekTony Sipp with Oyango Snell, and Tom Kemp.


EDRM Project Leaders Khrys McKinney (AI Ethics/Bias), Cristin Traylor (Priv Logs), Jay Yelton (Special Master and Discovery Neutral), Monica Harris and Matt Rasmussen (Short Message Metadata Primer 1.0) and Dave Cohen (GDPR) updated the community on progress on the EDRM Global Webinar channel.  It’s available on demand if you missed it.

EDRM updated its Generative AI and Large Language Model policy to address the need for disclosure and fact checking, with consequences.   Read all the policies here.

Every Tuesday at 6PM Eastern, community members gather via Zoom to offer or request support as we navigate our work and personal challenges.  Email us at info@edrm.net to be included on the group invitation for the 188th support call.  Remember, you are not alone, and you are welcome at our events, or to reach out for help.  If you are having a mental health emergency, please consider these resources for professional help.

We welcome your participation in our projects, webinars, support gatherings, and our EDRM Hub, our job board/event/directory website.  There is no charge for these EDRM offerings, thanks to our very generous Trusted Partners and Event Sponsors. 

Always win-win,

Mary & Kaylee


  • Mary Mack is the CEO and Chief Legal Technologist for EDRM. Mary was the co-editor of the Thomson Reuters West Treatise, eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel for 10 years and the co-author of A Process of Illumination: the Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery. She holds the CISSP among her certifications.

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  • Kaylee Walstad, chief strategy officer of EDRM, leads the global project based organization and is the former VP of client engagement at a certification organization. Kaylee is known for her role in building communities, uniting people and companies across the globe, and brand amplification for partners through social media and events. A frequent public speaker on a variety of topics, from personal development to the nuances of e-discovery. Kaylee has a broad background in e-discovery and skills that uniquely position her to provide insight into the challenges faced by the end-users of e-discovery services and technology and the organizations serving them. She has extensive expertise in developing cross organizational discovery strategies for large litigation and investigations.

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