Three Key Takeaways and Highlights from Relativity Fest 2023 

Three Key Takeaways and Highlights from Relativity Fest 2023 by Monica Harris
Image: Kaylee Walstad, EDRM

[EDRM Editor’s Note: EDRM is happy to amplify our Trusted Partners news and events. The opinions and positions are those of Monica Harris.] 

In the ever-evolving landscape of litigation technology, 2023 has been marked by significant developments that have left legal professionals and eDiscovery experts at the edge of their seats. From the integration of artificial intelligence into legal research to the increasing prevalence of short messages and collaboration tools in litigation, the legal world is undergoing a profound digital revolution.

Hundreds of professionals from the eDiscovery, legal, technology and compliance communities gathered at RelFest 2023 to explore faster and better ways of modern discovery and investigation. The annual conference, held in Chicago in September, challenged the attendees to rethink their eDiscovery methodologies and strategies with invaluable insights from industry leaders from around the globe.

With the advent of short messages reshaping traditional review processes, there’s an urgent need for sophisticated technical solutions and five sessions addressed this challenge. 

Now, let’s delve into the top three key takeaways and valuable insights of RelFest 2023.

  1. Embrace Short Message and Modern Data Challenges

During the conference, a unified theme emerged highlighting the evolving dynamics of eDiscovery in the age of continuous communication platforms. With the advent of short messages reshaping traditional review processes, there’s an urgent need for sophisticated technical solutions and five sessions addressed this challenge. 

From case law to the complexity introduced by modern data in public sector legalities to the future of short message whether current or in a visionary future state, multiple sessions offered thought provoking insights on how to navigate this multifaceted landscape. Furthermore, the conference highlighted the pivotal role of chat data whether from mobile devices or enterprise level applications administered by IT departments in legal contexts and explored comprehensive strategies to optimize data preservation, collection, conversion, and review ensuring its utility in investigations and eDiscovery.

2.Relativity: More than Just a Software Platform

In the fast-evolving world of technology, it’s easy to get lost in the maze of software platforms and digital solutions. But some platforms stand out not just for their functionalities but for the robust communities they nurture. Enter Relativity.

Relativity is not just another software platform; it’s a thriving ecosystem, a testament to the power of community and connection. Through the wisdom of the Relativity Scholars Program, the inspiring tales of Black Relativity (BREL), to the empowering narratives of Stellar Women, Relativity weaves a tapestry of diverse stories and experiences.

As a product manager, I’ve come to realize that true success lies not only in creating a stellar product but in fostering a community around it. It’s about the people, the stories, and the relationships formed along the way. 

As a product manager, I’ve come to realize that true success lies not only in creating a stellar product but in fostering a community around it. It’s about the people, the stories, and the relationships formed along the way. 

3.The Power of Community Engagement

The most successful products aren’t built in isolation; they thrive on feedback, collaboration, and community engagement. Have you ever thought of the impact you can make by being part of a product advisory board?

Relativity, in collaboration with Cellebrite Enterprise Solutions, is on a quest to establish a Mobile Advisory Board. The goal? To harness the collective wisdom of the community and chart a path forward that benefits all stakeholders. We aim to bridge the gaps, find synergies, and explore how we can enhance our offerings now and in the future. If this piques your interest, we’d love to hear from you! Let’s join forces and shape the future together!


The litigation technology is evolving rapidly, and staying ahead of the curve is imperative for legal professionals and eDiscovery practitioners. In this dynamic environment, practitioners are no longer passive customers and observers but active participants in shaping the trajectory of eDiscovery and modern investigation. 

Assisted by GAI and LLM Technologies per EDRM GAI and LLM Policy.


  • Monica Harris

    Monica Harris is the Product Business Manager for EDRM Trusted Partner, Cellebrite Enterprise Solutions. She is an eDiscovery Evangelist She has a BS in MIS, and is the EDRM Co-Project Trustee on the Text/Short Message Metadata Primer Project.

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