Dearest EDRM Community,
Word of the Week: Stormy.
The legal community’s year has officially started as people got back into their seats to execute all of the initiatives and relationships kindled in New York. We’ve noticed more job title changes and announcements, cheering those still on the sidelines from the layoffs of Q4 2023.
Not all of the attention in New York was welcome attention. LegalITInsider shares very public criticism of reports of sexual harassment and assault. Deena Fleener provided a form for centralized reporting of incidents and Marla Crawford has a call out to take the pledge to interrupt such behavior before it starts. Stephanie Wilkins and her crackerjack team is on it. EDRM has taken the SPLASH pledge. EDRM has a long standing zero tolerance policy for any bullying or disrespectful communication, let alone sexual harassment or assault. We encourage others to take the pledge. It will take all of us to make a difference.
EDRM taken the SPLASH pledge. EDRM has a long standing zero tolerance policy for any bullying or disrespectful communication, let alone sexual harassment or assault.
Kaylee Walstad and Mary Mack, EDRM.
Let’s remain united in our support for each other. For support or to assist a colleague, contact us at info@edrm.net and join our 208th weekly Community Support Call.
On the EDRM Blog:
- · Surviving a Registration Bomb Attack
- · The Dream of Free, Secure Online Tax Filing Could Be Finally Here with IRS Direct File
- · Public Comments on Proposed 5th Circuit A.I. Rule
- · Survey: General Counsel Expect Significant Increase in Technology Investments and Artificial Intelligence Adoption
- · HaystackID® Honored with Top Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Award at Legalweek 2024
- · Machine Learning in eDiscovery Upstream: Sentiment Analysis & Classification
- · Quarterly Industry Survey: Share Your Insights on eDiscovery Business Confidence
Upcoming Webinars on the EDRM Global Webinar Channel
- 08 Feb 2024: 1PM Eastern: Data Retention 201: Best Practices for Building and Enforcing Global Retention Schedules
- 20 Feb 2024: 1PM Eastern: Important eDiscovery Case Law Decisions for February 2024
- 29 Feb 2024: 1PM Eastern: Tracking User Behavior using the Windows Registry
Updates from Around the Globe –
- Global Legal Tech Developments: Blacks United in Legal Technology met in NYC. The Allen Institute released open source AI with a validation model. Swifties mobilized to bury Taylor Swift’s deep fake porn. Antitrust comes for AI as the EU removes one of the last obstacles for regulation, and the EU’s digital identity transformation moves forward.
- International eDiscovery Trends: The 2024 Legalweek Leaders in Tech Law Awards Winners were announced by Stephanie Wilkins. Congratulations to EDRM Trusted Partners, Reed Smith for Innovations in Pro Bono, to HaystackID for Data Privacy and Cybersecurity and Relativity for eDiscovery Technology and Enabling Access to Justice. AI for audio and video review is enabling Bodycam research. This list of teen slang may be helpful in understanding text messages. Stephen Embry talked to providers at Legalweek, including some our EDRM Trusted Partners with enthusiastic reports on ModeOne and Level Legal and a shoutout to our own Dr. J, Dr. Jeremy Pickens. The US NSA is purchasing search histories on the open market.
- World Events Impacting Legal Tech: Sinn Fein will lead Northern Ireland, Ukraine will replace its military leader, Chile is suffering wildfires and California is flooding with an atmospheric river. The US is retaliating for a base drone strike in Jordan.
Recent Illumination Zone Podcasts:
Catch our latest EDRM Global Podcast Network episodes on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and more. Recent guests include Jason Covey, Joey Seeber, David Greetham, Anya Korolyov, Tom O’Connor, Aaron Patton aka Gates Dogfish and Vazantha Meyers.
EDRM Announcements
- New projects including eDiscovery Workflows and EDRM 2.0 project are off and running.
- Feedback on GDPR Guidelines: Thanks to all who commented on the “General Data Protection Regulation Cross-Border Discovery Guidelines”. The public comment period is closed, and the team is reviewing feedback and updating the guidelines in light of recent developments in this fast moving area..
- Generative AI Policy Update: Check out our updated Generative AI and Large Language Model policy, focusing on disclosure and fact-checking Read Policies Here.
Weekly Community Support Call Join us every Tuesday at 6PM Eastern on Zoom for support and camaraderie. For the invitation to our 208th weekly call, email info@edrm.net. In case of a mental health emergency, consider these professional resources.
Get Involved with EDRM We invite you to participate in our projects, webinars, support gatherings, and the EDRM Hub. Access these offerings at no cost, courtesy of our Trusted Partners and Event Sponsors. Please reach out to info@edrm.net for more information.
The rainbow is on the horizon,
Mary & Kaylee
P.S. This update was assisted by GAI and LLM Technologies as per EDRM GAI and LLM Policy.