[EDRM Editor’s Note: EDRM is happy to amplify our Trusted Partners news and events.]
The eDiscovery community is experiencing a mental health crisis that can and should be solved by senior stakeholders who control the economic foundations of our industry. Poor mental health has a number of potential taproots; indeed, mental health in the legal industry as a whole is problematic.
There is, however, something unique about eDiscovery that we, as a group, can address: the manner in which our contracts dictate the burden placed upon each of our workers, regardless of status or role. While many employers and organizations focus on mental-health and self-care steps that individual employees can take, the goal of the Mind Budget Connection and this paper is to focus on industry-wide structural issues that front-line workers cannot themselves control.
While many employers and organizations focus on mental-health and self-care steps that individual employees can take, the goal of the Mind Budget Connection and this paper is to focus on industry-wide structural issues that front-line workers cannot themselves control.
Mind Budget Connection, Changing the eDiscovery Burnout Blueprint: Practical Solutions to Address Failing Mental Wellness in the eDiscovery Industry, EDRM (2024), page 2.
This paper explains the different roles within the eDiscovery market, the contract structures between those parties, and how those contract structures affect mental health. It additionally explores what is known about the state of mental health in the legal industry, generally, and in eDiscovery, specifically. Finally, it makes concrete recommendations about what we should be doing today to address this problem.
Please see the complete white paper below:
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