[Editor’s Note: EDRM is proud to publish Ralph Losey’s advocacy and analysis. The opinions and positions are Ralph Losey’s copyrighted work.]
In the history of technological revolutions, there are moments that challenge not only our understanding of what is possible but the very nature of reality itself. Google’s latest refinement to its quantum computer, Willow, may represent such a moment. By achieving computational feats once thought to be confined to science fiction, it forces us to confront bizarre new theories about the fabric of the universe. Could this machine, built from the smallest known building blocks of matter, actually provide evidence that parallel universes exist as some at Google claim? The implications are as profound as they are unsettling.

This article discusses Google’s quantum computer, Willow, and the groundbreaking evidence released on December 9, 2024. Willow demonstrated it could perform computations so complex that they would take classical computers longer than the age of the universe to complete. Many, including Hartmut Neven, founder and manager of Google’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, believe that the unprecedented speed of the quantum computer is only possible by its leveraging computations across parallel universes. Google’s recent advancements in real-time error correction using size scaling stacking of qubits made it possible for these parallel universes to “work” in our own reality. Google claims to be the first to overcome the main hurdle previously facing the practical use of quantum computers, the immense sensitivity of quantum systems to external disturbances like stray particles and vibrations, which researchers call noise.
Neven and his team suggest the best way to understand how their computer works is the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics—the multiverse theory. This theory posits that every quantum event splits the universe, leading to a near-infinite array of universes. In a TED Talk five months ago, well before Willow’s latest proof of concept and design, Neven described its remarkable quantum capacities and how they align with this theory. He even speculated that consciousness itself might arise from the interaction of infinite multiverses converging into a single neurological form. These are not just bold claims—they are paradigm-shifting ideas that challenge our deepest assumptions about existence.
Crazy you say? The Manager of Google’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab speaking about tiny transverse-able wormholes, time crystals and quality-controlled computations in multiple universes! Even talking seriously about quantum computers “allowing us to expand human consciousness in space, time and complexity.”
Maybe hard to believe but paradigm-shifting ideas are often at first dismissed and ridiculed as crazy. Consider the trial of Galileo in 1633 for heresy. Despite Galileo’s eloquent defense arguments that the Earth revolves around the Sun, he was convicted of heresy and spent the rest of his life, eight years, under house arrest. The final judgment rendered also banned him from all further “Ted Talks” of his day about the crazy idea, which obviously defies common sense, “that the sun is the center of the world, and that it does not move from east to west, and that the earth does move, and is not the center of the world.” The judgment by the Catholic Church was not reversed until 1992! Quantum computing, like Galileo’s heliocentric model, challenges us to see beyond what seems obvious and to embrace ideas that defy conventional understanding.
This article explores the quantum parallel universes controversy, which is currently sparking debates across physics, philosophy, and even metaphysics. We’ll examine the topic in a straightforward yet accurate manner, accessible to both experts and curious newcomers. Fasten your seatbelts—today’s scientific theories are as intellectually jarring as Galileo’s were in 1633, when the movement of the Sun across the sky seemed an unshakable truth. As then, we are called to rethink not just how we understand the universe, but our place within it.

To grasp the implications of quantum computing, we must first explore its roots in the fundamental fabric of reality. What happens when exponentially greater possibilities are computed in parallel? What happens when this is applied to generative AI? Will AI deliver answers that are more profound, or entirely transformational? Perhaps, as imagined in my short story, Singularity Advocate Series #1: AI with a Mind of Its Own, On Trial for its Life, these advancements could even lead to AI consciousness. The possibilities are as exhilarating as they are unsettling.
Quantum Computing is Now Doing the Impossible
The multiverse controversy gained new momentum with Google’s claim that its quantum computer, Willow, recently completed a famous benchmark computation, the Random Circuit Sampling (RCS) test, in just five minutes. This achievement is staggering because this theoretical task would take the fastest classical supercomputers an estimated 10 septillion years (10 followed by 24 zeros) to finish! To put that in perspective, the Universe itself is approximately 13.8 billion years old—meaning 10 septillion years is about 999,999,998,620,000,000,000 times older than the Universe. The sheer scale of this comparison defies imagination.
How can such an extraordinary feat be possible? The answer lies in the fundamental principles of quantum computing and its use of qubits. Unlike classical bits, which are confined to being either 0 or 1, qubits exist in a superposition state that is a probabilistic blend of both 0 and 1 simultaneously, until measured. To put it simply, qubits are neither strictly here nor there, neither fully 0 nor fully 1, but somewhere in between. Google’s qubits require superconductivity and can only work in the coldest places in our universe, the artificially constructed refrigerated chambers that hold the qubits. Go inside the Google Quantum AI lab to learn about how quantum computing works, video at 3:30-4:30 of 6:17. They are measured and made to collapse from a zero and one super-state by use of tuned microwaves.
This seemingly impossible property of both a zero and one probable charge is called superposition. Qubits, governed by the principles of quantum mechanics, behave both as particles and waves depending on the conditions. This wave-like nature underpins phenomena like superposition and entanglement. Entangled particles are linked so that the measurement of one instantly determines the state of the other, no matter the distance between them. (To me and others, this reliance on human measurements to explain a theory is misplaced (see “Measurement Problem,” Wikipedia.)) The instant changes supposedly caused by a measurement also seemingly violate the limitations of time and space and the Speed of Light. At first, this phenomenon—called quantum entanglement—was met with skepticism, famously dismissed by Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.” Yet, like Galileo’s once-ridiculed theories, the fact of quantum entanglement has been repeatedly validated through rigorous experimentation, although no one really knows how it works.

The Speed of Light (SOL) is supposedly not violated by quantum entanglement because the states are random and probabilistic, and supposedly nothing actually “travels” from one qubit or elementary particle to another. This is the establishment view of the SOL as a limit to try to uphold the general view of relativity. This has never been totally convincing to some scientists. They contend the SOL is not an inviolate limit. If these antiestablishment scientists are correct, then space travel at faster that light velocities might be possible. That means our physical isolation from other star systems could be overcome.

This is possible under the parallel universes theory, which also goes under the name of the Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI). The idea was first set forth by Hugh Everett in 1957 in his dissertation “The Theory of the Universal Wavefunction.” Scientists arguing for the Many Worlds Interpretation include Bryce DeWitt, David Deutsch, Max Tegmark and Sean Carroll. [I suggest you see recent Tegmark interview excerpts by Robert Kuhn, here, here and here and another short video of Max Tegmark here. You should also watch a recent video interview of Sean Carroll by Neil deGrasse, which is included later in this article along with reference to his two latest books. As an interesting aside, physicist David Deutsch (1953-present) speculates in his book The Beginning of Infinity (pg. 294) that some fiction, such as alternate history, could occur somewhere in the multiverse, as long as it is consistent with the laws of physics.]
Regardless of whether the SOL is being violated, quantum computers today routinely use quantum entanglement to link qubits, enabling them to function as an interconnected system. By leveraging the unique properties of quantum mechanics—superposition, entanglement, and interference—quantum computers can simultaneously explore an immense number of possible solutions, making computations that are impossible for classical computers.
Google’s Willow quantum chip demonstrated this capability by solving the Random Circuit Sampling (RCS) problem, a benchmark designed specifically to showcase the computational supremacy of quantum systems over classical ones. Willow’s ability to complete this test error-free marks a milestone not just in quantum computing but in our understanding of the potential of computers.

Random Circuit Sampling Benchmark Test
Here’s a simplified explanation of the RCS benchmark test. Imagine navigating an incredibly complex maze filled with twists, turns, and countless random paths. The goal of the RCS test is to “map” this maze by randomly exploring all of its paths and recording where each one leads.

In quantum computing the “maze” represents a random quantum circuit. A quantum circuit is like a recipe composed of gates—building blocks that dictate how qubits interact and evolve. In the RCS test, these gates are arranged randomly, creating a circuit of immense complexity. The “map” of this circuit is the output: a set of results generated based on probabilities defined by the random arrangement of gates. The test is about “sampling” these outputs multiple times to uncover the circuit’s overall behavior.
For non-quantum chip computers to simulate this process, they must calculate every possible path through the maze, one at a time. The complexity of possible paths grows exponentially as the various alternatives combine. Even using today’s supercomputers the calculation can require an unimaginable amount of time—potentially up to septillions of years.
The RCS test is designed to showcase quantum computers’ ability to tackle tasks that are practically impossible for classical systems. While the test itself doesn’t solve a “real-world” problem, it serves as a performance benchmark to demonstrate the mind-boggling computational power of quantum machines.
Until recently, this was all theoretical. Building a quantum chip capable of solving the RCS test without overwhelming errors had never been achieved. Noise—external interference from particles and vibrations—created too many errors for the results to be usable. However, in December 2024, Google announced that Willow had overcome the noise issue. By scaling up the number of qubits and implementing real-time error correction, Willow successfully completed the test.
This breakthrough means quantum computers may soon be able to leverage superposition and quantum interference to perform previously impossible computer tasks. By harnessing quantum entanglement, qubits can maintain correlations and work together as a unified system, enabling quantum computers to explore numerous paths through the maze simultaneously and sample outputs at seemingly impossible speeds.
By harnessing quantum entanglement, qubits can maintain correlations and work together as a unified system, enabling quantum computers to explore numerous paths through the maze simultaneously and sample outputs at seemingly impossible speeds.
Ralph Losey, Losey.AI.
These advancements make otherwise impossible computer tasks possible. Quantum computing holds the potential to revolutionize fields such as environmental modeling, chemistry, material science, medicine, cybersecurity (a very troubling thought), artificial intelligence, and even the creation of reality simulations. This adds some support for Elon Musk’s claim there is a 99% chance that we are already living in a simulated reality generated by an advanced alien civilization. The idea that we are all just computer-generated avatars living in a fake world seems like sensational media fiction to me, but large-scale quantum computers could soon bring ideas like that closer to our current universe realities.

Multiverse Metaphysics
The multiverse theory, which some argue is now much more viable due to Google’s quantum computer, has many challenging philosophical implications. Perhaps the most fascinating is the idea that our reality, our universe, is just one among countless others, potentially infinite in number. This challenges our perception of ourselves as unique and our universe as the only reality, suggesting instead that we are just one small part of an unfathomably vast and complex existence. In some ways this is even weirder than Musk’s belief that we are living in a simulated reality—a kind of cosmic deepfake.
Picture a reality where every possible outcome of every quantum event plays out in a separate universe. Every decision you make, every path you don’t take, could be unfolding in parallel timelines, creating alternate versions of yourself.
Ralph Losey, Losey.AI.
Picture a reality where every possible outcome of every quantum event plays out in a separate universe. Every decision you make, every path you don’t take, could be unfolding in parallel timelines, creating alternate versions of yourself. Multiverse metaphysics challenges our traditional understanding of identity and free will. If every choice creates a new branching timeline, does our sense of individuality and free will still make sense? Or are we just one version of countless others diverging infinitely in a meaningless multiverse?

The multiverse also forces us to rethink our understanding of time. One model suggests that these parallel universes exist across vast stretches of space, each potentially originating from its own Big Bang. This implies that time may not be the linear flow we perceive but rather a multidimensional web, where past, present, and future coexist simultaneously. Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to explain phenomena like quantum entanglement—Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance.” Is this what Helmut Neven is referring to when he TED Talks about his quantum computer creating nearly perpetual motion time crystals? Supra at 4:55 of 11:39.
While these concepts might sound like science fiction, advancements in quantum computing, such as Google’s Willow, could provide the tools to explore them scientifically. Some physicists believe that anomalies in the cosmic microwave background radiation—remnants of the Big Bang—might offer indirect evidence of the multiverse. Could this also lend credence to Musk’s speculation that we’re living in a computer simulation? If that’s the case, does it mean we’re at the mercy of some cosmic programmer who might press the reset button at any moment? (For the record, I doubt very much the Musk-supported scenario—though the thought is undeniably unsettling.)
For more on the far-out philosophical implications of the quantum world and the multiverse, check out Neli deGrasse Tyson’s conversation with theoretical physicist Sean Carroll below. Also see Sean Carroll’s recent books, Quanta and Fields: The Biggest Ideas in the Universe (Dutton, 2024) and Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime (Dutton, 2019), and videos.
The multiverse theory has its share of critics, and skepticism remains widespread among scientists. Yet, even if concrete evidence for parallel universes eludes us, the mere exploration of these ideas expands the boundaries of our understanding of reality. Such inquiries challenge us to confront profound questions about existence and the nature of the universe itself. One thing is certain: quantum computers like Willow compel us to reevaluate our perceptions of what is real. Could Hartmut Neven or Sean Carrol be the heretical Galileo of our time?
As for me, I lean toward perspectives grounded in self-determination and objective truth. I find it hard to accept that every quantum event, such as the collapse of a probability wave during measurement, results in the creation of an entirely new universe. Likewise, I’m skeptical of the idea that each decision we make spawns a new universe, though I do believe we create our own reality within this universe. My belief aligns closely with the concept of free will. I’m also intrigued by the idea that multiple universes could exist simultaneously and that quantum particles might somehow traverse between them. The idea that quantum computers might leverage these connections across universes to perform their calculations is consistent with these musings, suggesting that the interplay between quantum mechanics and multiverses may offer profound insights into the fabric of reality.

But can we communicate and receive intelligent data from other universes? Can we engineer practical applications that use parallel universes? Helmut Neven stated in his TED Talk that the quantum computer his team at Google created can be thought of as creating tiny, transverse-able wormholes between universes. Supra at 4:20 of 11:39. Quantum computers might not create new universes, but they could hypothetically create bridges between them. Perhaps interaction with other universes is what Google’s Willow is now doing.
This idea challenges the traditional worldview of mainstream scientists, which is centered on a single universe and the foundational power of measurements to determine outcomes. (As mentioned, this reliance on the seemingly magical power of measurement or human observation to explain quantum behavior comes across as an irrational shortcut to me, and many others, a product of the early twentieth-century worldview.) Whatever the explanation, it is clear that Willow now operates successfully, defying conventional expectations and hinting at possibilities that push the boundaries of our current understanding.

According to Google, now that it has proof of concept on what a few chips can do it will start construction of large stacks of super-cooled quantum computers. What happens when it uses the power of a million quantum qubits? Google’s goal is to begin releasing practical applications by the end of this decade—perhaps sooner with AI’s help. Its closest competitors in this field-IBM, Amazon, Microsoft and others, might not be far behind. Quantum computation is yet another dramatic agent of change. The future is moving fast.
Dark Side of Quantum Computers
Unfortunately, the future of quantum computers also has a dark side, much like AI. Privacy will be vulnerable as new cybersecurity attack weapons are made possible. All non-quantum encryption codes could easily be cracked and all communications and financial systems vulnerable, especially bitcoins. China is well aware of the weaponization potentials of both AI and quantum. They have a history of trade-secret theft from U.S. companies and are certainly now focused on stealing Google’s latest breakthrough to boost their own impressive efforts. Just before Google’s December 9, 2024, announcement of the Willow breakthrough China claimed their latest quantum chip, the Tianyan-504, had the same capacities as Google’s Willow. I suspect that impacted the timing of Google’s announcement.
The U.S. Department of Defense, NSA and big-tech companies are well aware of the new threats that quantum computing creates. Consider for instance the U.S. Department of Defense’s unclassified Report to Congress, Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China dated 12/18/24:
The PLA is pursuing next-generation combat capabilities based on its vision of future conflict, which it calls “intelligentized warfare,” defined by the expanded use of AI, quantum computing, big data, and other advanced technologies at every level of warfare. . . .
Judging from the build out of the PRC’s quantum communication infrastructure, the PLA may leverage integrated quantum networks and quantum key distribution to reinforce command, control, and communications systems. . . .
In 2021, Beijing funded the China Brain Plan, a major research project aimed at using brain science to develop new biotechnology and AI applications. That year, the PRC designed and fabricated a quantum computer capable of outperforming a classical high-performance computer for a specific problem. The PRC was domestically developing specialized refrigerators needed for quantum computing research in an effort to end reliance on international components. In 2017, the PRC spent over $1 billion on a national quantum lab which will become the world’s largest quantum research facility when completed.
U.S. Department of Defense, Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China (12/18/24).
The 2025 National Defense Authorization Act that passed on December 9, 2012, leaves no doubt that the incoming Trump Administration will continue, if not accelerate, current DOD efforts in quantum computing. See e.g. Section Sec. 243 of the Act, aka the Quantum Scaling Initiative.

Images by Ralph Losey using AI.
No one knows how much Elon Musk will influence such policies, but we do know he understands the impact of Google’s announcement and publicly praised Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, for the achievement. Pichai replied to Musk on X that: We should do a quantum cluster in space with Starship one day 🙂. (Note that China has had a quantum chip in space since 2016 to study secure communications and in October 2024 announced plans for several more in 2025. China to launch new quantum communications satellites in 2025, 10/08/24). Musk immediately replied affirmatively on X to Sundar and even upped the ante by saying:
That will probably happen. Any self-respecting civilization should at least reach Kardashev Type II. In my opinion, we are currently only at <5% of Type I. To get to ~30%, we would need to place solar panels in all desert or highly arid regions.
Elon Musk (@elonmusk), X (12/9/24).
Unpacking the rest of Musk’s quote would require another article, let’s just say Kardashev has to do with technological progress and the level of energy production. Level two refers to solar energy where a civilization uses their star’s energy through a device such as a Dyson sphere shown below.

I decided you might enjoy my delegation of the final words to not-yet-quantum-powered AIs from Google. Perhaps in another universe, you’d hear my own thoughts wrapping this up, but for now, count yourself lucky to be conscious in this one. My AI podcasters bring humor and insight, though they’re far from Godlike—so I still need to guide and verify them. What’s new, however, is the interactivity feature Google recently added to the podcasters. In this session, you’ll hear wacky versions of me near the end interrupt to ask questions and the AIs’ spontaneous responses. It’s fascinating to imagine what quantum-powered AIs might say or do in the future.
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