The Proposal of Chat-GPT for an “AI Guardian” to Protect Privacy in Legal Cases

Although still at sea on an Atlantic crossing, I remain obsessed with the power of this new Ai tool. In the last blog we prompted a discussion by Chat-GPT with itself on the subject of AI and the future of the Law. Here we focus on the issue of Privacy and the Law. All images are by Ralph using Midjourney, on Discord, to evoke images of Ai guardians. The goal is to create a hybrid, multimodal look into the future of AI protection of privacy.

Stone large head with riivits with blue eyes looking through spyglass
AI Privacy Guardian: Image: Losey and Midjourney

During the AI’s discussion with itself in my last experiment, one of its Hive Mind entities, a privacy expert named Alice, made the following proposal. Many readers found her proposal very interesting:

“Alice: As a privacy expert, I’d like to propose the idea of “AI guardians” – AI systems designed to protect the privacy of individuals involved in legal cases. These AI guardians could monitor the use of personal data in AI-driven legal processes, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessed when absolutely necessary and in compliance with privacy regulations.”

ChatGPT- Entity Alice

In this blog I asked the same AI expert entities to focus on Alice’s proposal. I hope you find this Ai chat with itself interesting. My questions and directions are in bold, the rest is by the Ai. I later created the graphics with help from other Ai to try to illustrate the GPT-4 ideas.

First, here is an introduction to the five Ai entities that ChatGPT-4 created for this self-dialogue, aka “Hive Mind” dialogue.

Introducing the Virtual Entities of the Hive Mind dialogue:

  1. Alice: Legal Scholar (Main personality trait: Analytical, Secondary: Cautious)
  2. Bob: AI Enthusiast (Main personality trait: Optimistic, Secondary: Visionary)
  3. Carol: Civil Rights Advocate (Main personality trait: Empathetic, Secondary: Passionate)
  4. Dave: Judge/Arbitrator (Main personality trait: Pragmatic, Secondary: Balanced)
  5. Emma: Data Scientist (Main personality trait: Detail-oriented, Secondary: Curious)
Colorful knight opening castle door
Image: Losey and Midjourney

Ralph: Would each of you please make a general comment on Alice’s proposal (shown right) for “AI guardians” and also make specific suggestions for implementation.

Bob: Alice, your proposal for AI guardians is fascinating. I believe that using AI to protect privacy could be a valuable tool in maintaining trust and integrity in the legal system. For implementation, we could start by developing AI models trained specifically to recognize sensitive data and monitor the handling of personal information in legal processes. This would require input and collaboration from both legal and technical experts to ensure the models are accurate and adhere to privacy regulations.

Carol: I agree that AI guardians have the potential to safeguard privacy, but we must also be mindful of potential biases and inaccuracies in the AI models themselves. To address this concern, we could implement regular audits and assessments of the AI guardians, ensuring that they are functioning effectively and without bias. Additionally, providing transparency reports about the AI guardians’ performance could further enhance public trust.

Dave: Alice, I appreciate the concept of AI guardians. To enhance their effectiveness, we should consider incorporating privacy-preserving techniques, such as differential privacy and federated learning, into the development of these AI models. These techniques would help minimize the risks associated with the handling of sensitive data while still allowing the AI guardians to perform their intended functions.

Emma: I find the idea of AI guardians intriguing, Alice. In terms of implementation, we might consider a multi-layered approach where AI guardians operate alongside human privacy experts. This hybrid approach would allow AI guardians to learn from human expertise and intuition, while the humans benefit from the AI’s speed and efficiency. Regular communication between the AI guardians and human experts would ensure that the system remains agile and responsive to evolving privacy concerns.

Alice: Thank you all for your valuable insights on my AI guardians proposal. Your suggestions for implementation, such as using privacy-preserving techniques, incorporating regular audits, and fostering collaboration between AI guardians and human privacy experts, will be crucial in ensuring the effectiveness of this approach in protecting privacy in the legal system.

Female  in redish blue purple hoody
Image: Losey and Midjourney

Ralph: On this privacy guardian proposal, would each entity please state an unusual, very creative, imaginative point unique to its expertise, that has not yet been discussed in this dialogue.

Bob: From an AI enthusiast’s perspective, I envision AI guardians utilizing cutting-edge natural language processing techniques to create “privacy-optimized” summaries of sensitive legal documents. These summaries would allow legal professionals to access the necessary information while minimizing the exposure of personal data, making it easier to collaborate and share information without compromising privacy.

Carol: As a social justice advocate, I propose the concept of “Privacy Empowerment Workshops” facilitated by AI guardians. These workshops could educate individuals and communities on their privacy rights, helping them understand how their data is being used and protected in legal processes. By raising awareness and empowering citizens, AI guardians can contribute to a more equitable legal system.

Dave: Drawing from my experience as a judge, I suggest AI guardians could be used to create “privacy impact assessments” for legal cases. These assessments would analyze the potential privacy risks associated with a case and provide recommendations on how to mitigate those risks. This would help judges and legal professionals make informed decisions while balancing the needs of justice and privacy.

Emma: As a technologist, I imagine AI guardians serving as a bridge between the legal system and emerging privacy-enhancing technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and homomorphic encryption. AI guardians could continuously scan the technological landscape, identifying promising solutions and helping integrate these innovations into the legal system in a responsible and secure manner.

Alice: These creative and imaginative ideas highlight the potential of AI guardians to transform privacy protection in the legal field. From privacy-optimized document summaries and Privacy Empowerment Workshops to privacy impact assessments and bridging the gap between emerging privacy-enhancing technologies, these proposals demonstrate the diverse ways in which AI guardians can contribute to a more secure and equitable legal system.

Large sconce attached to a wall with eyeball (blue) looking out from inside it
Image: Losey and Midjourney

Ralph: Please continue.

Bob: Building on these ideas, another creative application for AI guardians could be to develop “privacy risk scores” for different legal procedures and processes. These scores would help legal professionals quickly identify areas of potential privacy concern and take necessary precautions to safeguard sensitive information. This approach could streamline privacy-conscious decision-making in the legal system.

Carol: In line with my focus on social justice, I suggest that AI guardians could also be employed to identify and rectify historical privacy breaches in legal records. By analyzing past cases and identifying instances where privacy rights may have been violated, AI guardians can contribute to rectifying past injustices and help pave the way for a more equitable future in the legal system.

Dave: Drawing upon my judicial background, I propose that AI guardians could be used to facilitate anonymized peer reviews of legal decisions. By ensuring that sensitive data is properly protected, AI guardians would enable legal professionals to share and critique one another’s work in a safe environment, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration within the legal field.

Emma: From a technological standpoint, I envision AI guardians being used to develop “privacy sandboxes” for legal professionals. These sandboxes would be secure, simulated environments where lawyers and other legal experts could test new approaches to privacy protection, experiment with privacy-enhancing technologies, and fine-tune their strategies without putting real-world sensitive data at risk.

Alice: The ideas presented here further expand the potential applications and benefits of AI guardians in the legal field. By developing privacy risk scores, rectifying historical privacy breaches, facilitating anonymized peer reviews, and creating privacy sandboxes, AI guardians could contribute significantly to fostering a more privacy-conscious and equitable legal system.

Two different brightly colored robots standing and staring at each other
Image: Losey and Midjourney

Ralph: Please provide a summary.

In our discussion, we explored the concept of AI guardians and their potential role in protecting the privacy of individuals involved in legal cases. We began by examining Alice’s proposal, which focused on AI systems monitoring the use of personal data in AI-driven legal processes, ensuring sensitive information is accessed only when necessary and in compliance with privacy regulations.

The virtual entities then shared their creative and imaginative ideas, unique to their expertise, on how AI guardians could further contribute to privacy protection in the legal field:

  1. Bob proposed that AI guardians create privacy-optimized summaries of sensitive legal documents and develop privacy risk scores for legal procedures and processes.
  2. Carol suggested AI guardians facilitate Privacy Empowerment Workshops to educate individuals and communities on privacy rights, as well as identify and rectify historical privacy breaches in legal records.
  3. Dave recommended AI guardians create privacy impact assessments for legal cases, and facilitate anonymized peer reviews of legal decisions.
  4. Emma envisioned AI guardians bridging the gap between the legal system and emerging privacy-enhancing technologies, and developing privacy sandboxes for legal professionals to test new approaches without risking sensitive data.

Throughout our conversation, we emphasized the importance of collaboration between AI guardians and human privacy experts, as well as the need for transparency and regular assessments to ensure the effectiveness and trustworthiness of these AI systems.

Overall, our discussion highlighted the diverse and innovative ways AI guardians could transform privacy protection in the legal system, contributing to a more secure and equitable environment for all stakeholders.

Three women in bronze and silver armor (upper torsos and heads)
Image: Losey and Midjourney

Ralph Losey Copyright 2023 – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


  • Ralph Losey

    Ralph Losey is an arbitrator, special master, Generative AI experimenter, GPT maker, writer and attorney. He is a partner in LOSEY PLLC, a high tech law firm with three Loseys and clients across the country. The Losey firm handles projects, deals, IP, and litigation all over the U.S. Get in touch at All opinions expressed here are Ralph's own, and not those of his firm or clients. No legal advice is provided on this web and should not be construed as such. Ralph has long been a leader of the world's tech lawyers. He has presented at hundreds of legal conferences and CLEs around the world. Ralph has written over two million words on e-discovery and tech-law subjects, including seven books. Ralph has been involved with computers, software, legal hacking and the law since 1980. Ralph has the highest peer AV rating as a lawyer and was selected as a Best Lawyer in America in four categories: Commercial Litigation; E-Discovery and Information Management Law; Information Technology Law; and, Employment Law - Management. Ralph is the proud father of two children, Eva Losey Grossman, and Adam Losey, a lawyer (he founded Losey, PLLC) with incredible cyber expertise (married to another cyber expert lawyer, Catherine Losey, co-founder of Losey PLLC), and best of all, Ralph is the husband since 1973 to Molly Friedman Losey, a mental health counselor in Winter Park.

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