Category ChatGPT

HaystackID® Expands Protect Analytics AI™ Suite, Advancing Cybersecurity Workflows for Investigations, Responses, and Notifications: Press Release

HaystackID® Expands Protect Analytics AI™ Suite, Advancing Cybersecurity Workflows for Investigations, Responses, and Notifications

Sensitive Data Identification, Entity Extraction, and Custom Deployment Capabilities Highlighted in AI-enabled Suite Built for Cybersecurity Demands [EDRM Editor’s Note: EDRM is happy to amplify our Trusted Partners news and events.]  CHICAGO – January 29, 2024 – HaystackID, a specialized eDiscovery services firm supporting law…

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Florida's New Advisory Ethics Opinion on Generative AI Hits the Mark by Hon. Ralph Artigliere (ret.)

Florida’s New Advisory Ethics Opinion on Generative AI Hits the Mark

[Editor’s Note: EDRM is proud to publish the Hon. Ralph Artigliere’s (ret.) advocacy and analysis. The opinions and positions are Judge Artigliere’s (ret.) January 26, 2024  © Ralph Artigliere.  As a former Florida trial lawyer and judge who appreciates emerging…

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Transform Your Legal Practice with AI: A Lawyer's Guide to Embracing the Future by Ralph Losey

Transform Your Legal Practice with AI: A Lawyer’s Guide to Embracing the Future

In a world increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence, the legal profession stands at a crossroads. Lawyers must adopt the new AI tools and quickly learn how to use them effectively and safely. That means learning the skill of how to use AI, which techs call "prompt engineering." Fortunately, that just means word engineering, the art of knowing how to talk to ChatGPTs. The new generative AIs are designed to be controlled by natural language, not computer code. This is the easiest kind of engineering possible for lawyers. The precise use of language is every lawyer's stock-in-trade and so prompt engineering is within every lawyer's capacity.
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Michael Berman's Top Blogs of 2023

Michael Berman’s Top Blogs of 2023

Michael Berman published 108 blog articles in 2023, including: How to Read a Load File More on “Modern Attachments,” “Pointers,” or Hyperlinked Documents – Humpty Dumpty and “Usability” Possession, Custody, or Control – Part II Don’t Be Too Nice When You Send a Preservation Notice Relevance Redactions Revisited ABA Formal Opinion on Misconduct in Virtual Depositions
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Hallucinations: “Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into!” by Michael Berman,

Hallucinations: “Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into!”  

Oliver Hardy, of Laurel and Hardy fame, said: “Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into!”  That’s what happened with the citation of three non-existent cases in a motion for early termination of supervised release that was filed in U.S. v. Cohen, 2023 WL 8635521 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 12, 2023). In a circular firing squad, the client, Mr. Michael Cohen, said that he found the citations using Google Bard.  He provided the cites to his attorney and said that he relied on his attorney to “vet the information.”  The attorney did not do so, erroneously believing that the cases had come from another attorney, who later entered an appearance.  The subsequent attorney made it clear that she had nothing to do with the citations.
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Move fast and fix things with AI by Ralph Losey, Icarus flying to the sun

Move Fast and Fix Things Using AI

This is the conclusion to the Plato and Young Icarus series. Part One set out the debate in neoclassical terms between those who would slow down AI and those who would speed it up. Part Two shared the story of the great visionary of AI, Ray Kurzweil. Part Three told the tale of Jensen Huang, the CEO and founder of NVIDIA. Part Four shared the story of Yann LeCun, Turing Award winner, hero of France and chief AI scientist of Facebook. In this conclusion we summarize the series in both neoclassical and modern terms, and conclude with a call to action. Fly, Icarus fly!
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