How-To Guides
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How to Read a Load File
Why is a “load file” important in certain productions of documents? A “load file” is actually several files that work together to “load and organize information within e-discovery software so that the documents may be...
Trial Notebooks: Flipping to the Right Spot Instead of Fishing in Folders
A trial notebook permits “flipping v. dipping,” i.e., organization of questioning at trial, preparation for legal arguments and voir dire, and, speed in finding exhibits, impeachment materials, and stipulations. J. Loveless, et al.,Trial_notebook.pdf ( 2001). Organization is vital to...
And When I Die…. What Happens to My Social Media?
“Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” For those who wish to do so, planning under the “Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act” may be appropriate. Like most other States, Maryland has enacted the “Fiduciary Access...
Meet Your New Litigation Associate: Jen AI
John Tredennick and Dr. William Webber ask an AI associate with preparing for a deposition and show their work with various AI engines for different tasks like ranking, summarizing and making recommendations.
Being the Better Expert Witness
In the paper, I discuss the difficulty computer forensic examiners face honing their testimonial abilities because it’s rare to be interrogated by a lawyer who truly understands what we are talking about. Most interrogators work...
Getting Started with Generative AI for Legal Tech Professionals and the Attorneys They Serve
On a recent EDRM webinar, Generative AI: Investigating the Rise of Intelligent Counsel, participants told us that 60% had not yet tried GenAI. To provide a path for those who want to get started with GenAI, we created...
Too Busy to Read AI-Pocalypse: The Shocking Impact on Law Firm Profitability? Let GenAI Read It For You.
John Tredennick analyzes the “Three Geeks and a Law Blog” on law firm profitability and employs Claude 2’s summarizing abilities to make it more accessible for busy professionals. The lengthy 5,600-word article is condensed into...
Don’t Be Too Nice When You Send a Preservation Notice
I always advocate for civility and cooperation in e-discovery. But, it may be prudent to expressly threaten a lawsuit in a preservation notice. It may also be cautious to avoid offering to settle a claim in that notice. If you...
Your New Litigation Associate: ChatGPT
Lucille Brown is a new associate at Johnson and Smith, LLP. Orientation has completed and it is time for Ms. Brown’s first assignment. Let’s see how she does. Memorandum From: David Johnson: Partner, Johnson and Smith, LLP...
Creativity and How Anyone Can Adjust ChatGPT’s Creativity Settings To Limit Its Mistakes and Hallucinations
Small, full bodied robot on desk collaborating with female lawyer, computer open, coffee on desk
Using GPT and Claude to Investigate TREC Topics: Florida’s Summer 2012 Olympics Bid
We have approximately 290,000 emails from and to Jeb Bush during his two terms as Florida’s governor in our discovery collection. These are the emails used during the annual TREC conferences put on by NIST....
Review of Open AI’s New iPhone Version App and Three New Third Party Apps for Use of ChatGPT-4
A version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 is now available for iPhones and can be found at the Apple App Store. This is OpenAI’s only official iPhone app and runs both version 3.5 and the far better...